SIGN X are:
OLIVER SCHEER (Guitar, Keys)
MICHAEL MEHL (Drums, Backvox)
SEBASTIAN ZIEROF (Leadvox, A-Guitar)
STEVE LAGLEDER (Bass, A-Guitar, Backvox)
SIGN X sind zurück! Nach ihrem ersten Album "Like A Fire", das weltweit hervorragende Kritiken bekommen hat und dadurch eine große Fanbase aufbauen konnte, kommt nun ihr neuer Output "Back To Eden". Hervorgegangen sind SIGN X aus der Hamburger Kultband Châlice, die seit Anfang der 90er 7 CDs veröffentlichten und diverse Shows & Tourneen mit den Rockgrößen Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Saga, Doro uvm., erfolgreich absolviert haben.
Mit dem Einstieg von Sänger Sebastian Zierof (bekannt als Udo aus dem Erfolgsmusical "Hinterm Horizont’), begann die Band an einem eigenen Sound zu arbeiten, der auf dem ersten Album und auf Teilen des neuen Albums "Back To Eden", noch von Michel Jotzer an den Keyboards unterstützt wurde.
Nachdem man Anfang 2018 schon für einiges Aufsehen mit der ersten EP sorgen konnte (Platz 1 der Classic Rock Charts bei Amazon), konnte man beim ersten Album "Like A Fire", durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Label "Pride & Joy Music", den Bekanntheitsgrad noch einmal gewaltig steigern.
Stellvertretend für viele hervorragende Kritiken, hier eine aus UK:
"Fantastic album, comprising well written and executed musicianship with a polished production to suit ... For me, this is one of the best albums I have had the privilege to listen to and review. Its released today and should be in everyone’s album collection. I will be looking out for more from Sign X, as these guys are simply genius." -
Abermals mit der Mix & Master Koryphäe Andy Horn (The Red Room-Studios), hat man den neuen Songs einmal mehr den ureigenen Stempel aufgedrückt und die Messlatte für die nächsten Veröffentlichungen noch höher gelegt.
SIGN X are back! After their first album "Like A Fire", which received excellent reviews worldwide and was able to build up a large fan base, now comes their new output "Back To Eden". SIGN X emerged from the Hamburg cult band Châlice, who have released 7 CDs since the beginning of the 90s and successfully played various shows & tours with the rock greats Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Saga, Doro and many more.
With the arrival of singer Sebastian Zierof (known as Udo from the successful musical "Hinterm Horizont '"), the band began to work on their own sound, which was featured on the first album and the first single and title track of the new album "Back To Eden", still supported by Michel Jotzer on the keyboards.
After causing quite a stir with the first EP at the beginning of 2018 (number 1 in the Classic Rock Charts on Amazon), the first album "Like A Fire", through the collaboration with the label "Pride & Glory Music", was able to increase the level of awareness once again tremendously.
Representing many excellent reviews, here's one from the UK:
"Fantastic album, comprising well written and executed musicianship with a polished production to suit ... For me, this is one of the best albums I have had the privilege to listen to and review. Its released today and should be in everyone's album collection . I will be looking out for more from Sign X, as these guys are simply genius. " -
Again with the Mix & Master genius Andy Horn (The Red Room Studios), the new songs have once more been given their very own stamp and the bar has been raised even higher for the next releases.